The Evil Diaries: “Hang on to your hats”

I understand that the Shell bid for BG (BG.) will not go through. BG is now 926p.


Yesterday’s MoS extolled Redt Energy (RED). I now understand that RED’s batteries work on liquid vanadium and are nothing to do with lithium. How vanadium can be liquid goodness only knows. But that is what it’s about.

The RED fans are going for a 1,000% rise. Hang on to your hats.


Donald Trump has got a point which is that the US government does not know how America will be threatened by Muslims already in America and that therefore Americans are well advised to be extremely cautious. We here in Britain are in a similar position. However, we are in a different position as regards a forthcoming conflict to that emerging in France where it seems to me to be long odds on that the French as a nation will fight Islam. As noted here before it will be grim. Once the British see what is happening across the Channel they’ll sober up.


Incidentally, a fellow on BBC Radio 4 News yesterday pointed out that Europeans are not yet prepared to give their lives to support the European cause whereas ISIS’s adherents are. I think this chap is talking tosh since when push comes to shove Britain will apply maximum pressure regardless of Muslim sensitivities.

Events highlighted by Pegida’s demonstrations in Germany are just the beginning.


The MoD might think that hounding soldiers through the agency of Phil Shiner helps the British cause in the Middle East. I doubt it.


Finally, marriage advice: Cheryl Fernandez-Versini (formerly Cole) is not good at marriage and should give it up.

Evil Knievil: