The Evil Diaries: Corbyn, Pantheon and Lonmin

Cameron was a bit OTT calling Corbyn a terrorist-sympathiser. Of course, strictly speaking, Corbyn is just that – consider his form in relation to the IRA. But that was because he is sympathetic to Irish nationalism and its political consequences and, in any event, HMG had to and indeed did talk to the IRA. But he is not a terrorist sympathiser in relation to ISIL. He has merely misjudged the business in hand such that he invites the label.

Of course two points now arise: (i) it is unclear what the outcome of our campaign in the Middle East will prove to be; this is an unhappy result even if it is inevitable; (ii) Corbyn is right that one day we will have to talk to these lunatics but, since no one has any idea as to whom or where or when with what authority he would be wiser to keep schtum; he is however unwise.


I sold 30,000 Pantheon (PANR) this morning at 100p. But I am still running another 100,000. Beats work.


Even more work-beating is the Lonmin (LMIN) into LMI deal. I did 27.5m thanks to MDBarnard’s spectacularly helpful assistance. Other firms were not so cooperative. Goodness only knows why.


The chap on the left is my father out to dine, aged 95, a few months ago. The bird on the right is a family friend and visiting fellow of All Souls. Despite her trousers she denies being a bookmaker.

Evil Knievil: