The Evil Diaries: “A few weeks before pay day”

Life and death in Eire: Minco (MIO) has won in the High Court. I do not know where this leads but it is nice to report signs of life. But Petroceltic (PCI) died this morning despite an article in yesterday Irish edition of the Sunday Times which claimed that a bid for Petroceltic’s Egyptian assets had arrived at the eleventh hour. It’ll take a few weeks before pay day though.


Saturday’s DMail offered Peter Oborne, claiming that Osborne’s career after the EU referendum is in jeopardy in the light of the astonishing rise of UK Government debt on top of the mess left by Gordon Brown. I doubt it: there is still a remarkable appetite for HMG debt amongst international cash holders. They can’t all be barking. But I am damned if I can see what they seem to claim to know. They clearly ignore the Bank of International Settlements’ comment this morning that we are all on the brink of a grand collapso.


British under forty-fives, even the educated intelligent ones, keep on claiming that peace in Europe these last seventy years is attributable to the fact of the EU. The truth is that Nato has been believed as a defence consortium and that this has kept the peace. If anything, apart from the buggeration which went on over Bosnia, the EU’s only contribution to matters has been the attempted annexation by the EU of Ukraine which had the not wholly surprising effect of rubbing the Russians up the wrong way. I don’t see much peace-achievement plans controlled by the EU here. On the other hand, the EU’s institutionalisation of civil unrest is sans pareil. The under forty-fives have simply been brainwashed by their own sublime optimism.

Evil Knievil: