Evil Knievil: Parking nirvana

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Culture section: if you liked Bohemian Rhapsody you will like Rocketman. The Russians must be completely mad to ban this film appearing in their territory.


BoJo indicates that he will amend the law relating to the BBC’s right to collect the licence fee whereby a prison sentence awaits whomever declines to pay it. After all, failure to pay a civil liability does not lead to that result.

I venture to suggest that the BBC should arrange to debit all who wish on their account at HMRC. HMRC have a long history of dealing with recalcitrant payers.

Those who prefer to pay the fee in the current manner would do so subject to paying a 10% surcharge.


My pointer to Costain (LON:COST) was premature since the profit warning came a day or two later. That noted, BoJo’s going to push through a massive spending programme which, surely, will not escape COST. Now 158p.


I have been asked to assist an immigration application. I was delighted to help as best I could. What most people do not realise is the vast amount being charged by the Home Office for considering an application – the bill runs into thousands of pounds. Needless to add the lawyers put their shovels in as well.


We here in central London have now entered that glorious phase when parking is a doddle since the residents often leave for the depths of the countryside or further afield. The result is parking nirvana.


Finally, we got the two eldest grandchildren yesterday to render Kipling’s IF. I expect they’ll remember the agenda.

Evil Knievil: