Evil Knievil: Oink oink

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Yesterday’s Daily Mail offered an aerial picture of unsold Teslas. And there I was thinking that Tesla‘s (NASDAQ:TSLA) problem is insufficient car transporters. No, the truth is that there are no customers. This is not a new story in commerce. But this is a new excuse.

I expect that the excess will be sold to a company controlled by Musk – on credit of course. Oink oink.


Clear Leisure (LON:CLP) has hit Italian legal difficulties over the conduct of the auction of the land near Turin. This may entail yet another appeal. I am confident that Francesco Gardin is not incompetent. The problem is that CLP is up against the Italian legal system. Still a buy at 0.75p.


However, a nice surprise this morning is that Volvere (LON:VLE) have concluded a major disposal. This leaves the shares at £11.50 offer. Presumably, they will go higher yet. VLE’s management are clearly clever.

Evil Knievil: