Evil Diaries: War deferred

Generally speaking citizens live under the politically-inspired delusion that war can always be avoided whereas the truth is that sometimes it is inevitable. The skill lies in deferring it as much as possible. And here I have unquestionably been personally extremely lucky – I have never been conscripted in my life and, now, I never can be. (If pushed I would elect to be i/c Catering for senior officers at Aldershot.)

So, albeit resignedly, we have now all been put on notice by General Sir Nick Carter that he reckons that war is on its way. A shame, really.

When the Germans had to sign up to the Versailles post-war treaty, they incurred impossible economic burdens. When the additional weight of the Great Depression was added, Hitler seized the moment to engage in populist drivel. The rest you know.

This gives me some hope since we seem not yet to be near a repetition of the German disaster. But we should be cautious. The EU is a corrupt and corrupting organisation which does not reflect the democratic wishes of those it governs. It does not take too much imagination to see massive irrational populist behaviour break out.


I made a mistake in failing to grab hold of Kanabo (LON:KNB) when it floated a few days ago. It kicked off at 10p and is now over 40p. The cause is a release of pro-cannabis enthusiasm. That seems very hearty to me.


Clear Leisure (LON:CLP) has turned into a whizzer. Although I raised some lunch money, I am still a firm holder in the belief that Francesco Gardin has some more great wheezes to reveal. Events will also help. Now around 1.25p.


Finally, BBC2 has been running a three parter on Trump in practice. Last Wednesday offered the development of the Saudi/Israel deal. It might work. If so, Trump gets a Mars bar. I never thought I would go along with that.

Evil Knievil: