The Evil Diaries: “Time to Wheel on the Tumbrels”

Time to wheel on the tumbrels: We can stick the lead traitors such as Cameron and Carney in the back and cart them off to Tower Hill. But there is a long, long list of collaborators. Me? I’ll be a tricoteuse.

Boris seems to be a certainty to emerge as the next prime minister but my money is on Gove even though he seems to decline the opportunity.


Moody’s have downgraded Britain’s credit rating from AA1 to AA minus 1 (whatever that means). But Britain can always repay any sterling debt it has by printing some bank notes. So it is quite impossible for Britain to run into trouble. Moody by name, moody by nature.


Thursday night was a great trading session since it was so easily understood. My only gripe is that the spreadbetters widened their quotes quite dramatically – to as much as twenty points on Daily FT and where bids and offers were not honoured. The only consolation was that they still got it wrong. The hangover is that, having persuaded punters to trade, spreads are way too high now that the excitement has died down.


Gold closed above $1,308 on Friday last. So, according to the charts, it’s upwards and onwards. By coincidence, the Orosur (OMI) management came by on Friday morning. As ever, I cannot satisfactorily prove that OMI is cheap in relation to, say, Shanta – since this is a political judgement with no proof expressible mathematically. But it still seems very cheap in relation to equities generally. The emerging star is Azna, the Colombian prospect which the market rates as valueless. This looks a big mistake even though it will take at least five years before Azna comes into production. The grades that have been recorded so far are really startling.


John Walmsley was wearing his OMI hat but unless I am misreading matters he seems pretty cheerful about Pantheon (PANR), now 150p.


Proxama (PROX) have not yet sold their payments division and, as a result, have run out of money. Therefore I bought another 5m in a placing at 0.3p. Payday is 26th July. However, I only found that out after the issue had closed. Otherwise I would have taken 25m. Incidentally, I understand that the alleged buyer of the payments division is still interested even though I tend to think it is playing hard to get to the point where it cannot be got.


Finally, I may be jokist but it is undeniable that Gareth Bale is strikingly similar in appearance to some nineteenth century drawing of a Chinese neanderthal coolie. It is not as if he was born this way. He has clearly decided to look ridiculous; Wales is a free country.

Evil Knievil: