Evil Diaries: Poppy Has Yet To Go Pop

DARKtrace (DARK) has today warned of troubles to come but it continues to buy in its own stock. Perhaps it should write a memo to itself to query why investors should not sell. Poppy knows how to write to herself with this very advice. Note that today’s RNS comes from the CFO.

Watchstone (WTG) have offered a litigation update. Apparently its action against its former auditors awaits judgement. Big money is at play here.

Distil (DIST) report on generally depressed results but are surprisingly upbeat. One has to hand it to them. And there is the possibility that there is a worthwhile business struggling to get out

Finally, good old Logistics Development Group (LDG) continues, albeit on a pathetically low scale, to improve its tnav. It paid 15.2p. Hurry along……..

Evil Knievil: