Evil Diaries: Do get a grip

Last night I shorted Liverpool supremacy at 2.35 goals and, a few minutes later, was rewarded with an ATM player being red-carded. I resigned myself to being drenched and retired to my bed. I then caught the BBC Radio 4 news at 11.00 p.m. and learned that Liverpool had won by 2-1. I was amazed. Only that I found a correction to 2-0 when I checked my figures for the day.

Really, this is a typical blunder by the BBC. Broadcasting House is riddled with graduates. It is therefore inexcusable for the stream of spelling errors, punctuation blunders and from time to time errors of fact. It starts at 4.30 a.m. on BBC 1 television and goes on right through the day.


I dismissed the threat of internecine civil war breaking down from Tigray to Addis Ababa, but it now transpires that it is spreading to the outskirts of Addis. My guess (and, as far as I am concerned, it really must be a guess) is that the 1,000 jobs at Pittards (PTD) are safe and that Yeovil will continue to see the leathers produced will be distributed outside Ethiopia.

Evil Knievil: