Evil Diaries: A face-spitter hoves into view

When I had put the Clear Leisure scoop to bed – a good example of a face-spitter – I reflected upon the fact that these do not come along every day. Equally, the obvious source is the US shorts of meme nature. You know, TSLA, GME and AMC. But for some extraordinary reason they just do not lie down and die.

(A face-spitter is so large a win that the beneficiary promptly goes up to his boss and duly spits at him in the face, sublimely indifferent to the consequences of being sacked without notice for gross indiscipline.)


I see that Mark Watson Mitchell has highlighted MP Evans (MPE). I am sure he is right. It is a difficult stock in which to deal and needs patience on the part of the broker. Best to use a woman.

If I am allowed to garnish Mark’s remarks, I would add that there must be the possibility of a bid for MPE. If so, it might be well north of his target of 1000p.


It’s been a long wait but this morning Caribbean Investment Holdings (CIHL) report on their year ended 31st March 2021. I had a feared some Covd-19 setback. But in the event all is well. Further, CIHL have today announced that although no dividend is to be paid CIHL will buy back stock. Since I think these shares are worth as much as 60p and may be more that leaves CIHL a raving buy at under 40p. It is not a face-spitter but it will pay for more than an extended fortnight in Eastbourne. Family Cawkwell own 2m.

Evil Knievil: