Evil Knievil: A PFG short is an absolute sitter

I reckon that Provident Financial (LON:PFG) is a sell again at 2100p. The more one reflects upon the insane levels of personal debt in the UK the more a PFG short is an absolute sitter.

Purplebricks (LON:PURP) seems to refuse to stand up. It would probably be wisest to kick it down. Now 460p.
Monday morning I was going to comment that Anthony Scaramucci, The Mooch, is truly ghastly. But it never occurred to me that he would be out by the end of the day. Accordingly, one notes that there are all these confident predictions that Trump will last not merely this term but the following term. But one does wonder. If he stays the course, God help us.
If you like you can buy a copy of my brother Tim’s essay on the 2017 General Election on Amazon. It is called “Belaboured. Bats Broken. Britain Shaken.” You can get it on Kindle for £2 and nil if you are a Kindle Prime subscriber. Otherwise it is £5.75 plus post and packing.

It is an interesting essay at a personal level. And I strongly recommend the four hundred words or so on the misuse of ‘incredible’. The popular use of ‘stunning’ does not come out of it well either.
Evil Knievil: