
Cops and Robbers? No, Just Robbers

If you want to know the time, ask a policeman. Don't bother asking them to attend a burglary though, if…

Looking for the Holy Grail

As featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. Now ladies and gentlemen, following the completion of “Maria’s Golden Rules for…

Big Trouble in Little China

The European crisis appears to have abated for now. Markets seem to be seeing the latest agreement for what it…

House of (Credit) Cards

I’ve said before that the only reason we’ve appeared not to have a recession in London and the South is…

Place Your Bets

I used to play online poker quite a lot. Actually there are a lot of similarities between trading/investing and poker.…

You snooze… you lose: DJIA is not coming down!

So here we are, after some six months of lethargic action which all and sundry translated into the beginning of…

The Greek Crisis Is Far from Over

The main news flow this week has been related to the apparent capitulation of Greek PM Tsipras to extremely harsh…

Don’t Bank on It

As regular readers will know, I've been avoiding bank stocks for years now - since April 2007 to be precise.…

A Recent Experience – and How You Can Avoid It

Those of you reading this that are familiar with my trading, and those who follow along with my blog at…

Mellon on the Markets

As featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. The trickier the times, the greater the opportunities for profit (and loss!).…