
You snooze, you lose… Where do we go from here?

Can we still make it to DJIA 20,000 by Christmas 2015? Anything is possible! We have seen how far and…

Finally Some Bad News

If you've watched Wimbledon (or any sporting event on TV) in recent years you'll know they have all manner of…

Market slump: take your pick as to why

As of Thursday evening, the S&P 500 is reeling from a heavy session that saw the benchmark index hit a…

Efficient Exchanges – LSE and Betfair

There’s a movement called Zeitgeist that wants to do away with the current economic system and move to a so-called…

Get off the line, there’s a train coming

That was a joke we used to say on the phone. “Get off the line, there’s a train coming!” For…

Summer in the Markets – Is It Worth It?

As seen in this month’s issue of Master Investor Magazine. This is the eighth in the series of my educational…

Why the FTSE is the dog of the indices

Over the last ten years I’ve been to pretty much all the finance seminars you can imagine. From symposia run…

Wood Group – Who even owns this stock?

Lower oil prices have been a mixed bag really. Good for some industries and bad for others. Although to be…

Heavy oil drags Canadian dollar lower

This week’s trading has been dominated by the People’s Bank of China allowing the yuan to devalue by dropping the…

The Getaway That Got Away

I wrote a blog post called ‘Cruising Home’ (July 3rd 2015) about cruise lines and how they are likely to…