
Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Evil Diaries: Erroneous market valuations

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

The internet continues to offer accelerating growth for CentralNic and Kape Technologies

Mark Watson-Mitchell follows up on two technology stocks.

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

The best and worst alternative investment trusts

It has been an interesting start to the year for the alternatives sector, with many of the constituents outperforming the…

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Town Centre Securities – A look at buybacks

Mark Watson-Mitchell considers the current spate of buybacks and takes a look at Town Centre Securities.

Taxes: to cut or not to cut? That is the question

A self-described “Thatcherite” ex chancellor, with a reputation for hiking taxes, and four unknown quantities with radical tax-cutting instincts. Are…

Small Cap round up – Pots and Scans

Mark Watson-Mitchell goes over a range of small cap firms including Totally, AdEPT, Renewi and Portmeirion.

Evil Diaries: A bad Penny

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.