
ITM Power: Return To 35p resistance expected

ITM Power had been a slow burner until now, on both a technical and fundamental basis. But it would appear…

The signs of a Great Unravelling are appearing

Another month of the phoney war in markets; range bound almost everywhere, except in Japan - which is performing well…

Vietnam is strikingly attractive to investors

The most interesting article over the weekend was offered by Richard Buxton in the SunTel business section. He pointed out…

How to build a property portfolio – part 2

Becoming a home owner is an obsession of British Millennials. Unlike many Europeans and Asians who are happy renting throughout…

French Connection: Bear squeeze should lead to 50p plus

Shares of French Connection are back in the frame this week as a takeover situation develops. It is surprising that…

National Grid has defensive appeal

The prospect of a new US President, a US interest rate rise and Brexit mean that defensive stocks could become…

Three small cap stocks set to bounce back

There is an old stock market saying that profit warnings come in threes. For investors this implies that any company…

Burberry (BRBY): Technical target above 2,000p if M&A has legs

One of the big omissions in terms of the post-Referendum rally for the FTSE 100 has been the relative lack…

Jubilee Platinum (JLP): 4.5p target after the latest chromite news

Jubilee Platinum has been a private investor favourite for longer than most might have anticipated. However, it looks as though…

The Pound will recover in time

Regular readers will know my stance on Brexit. And I voted as I did – after much reflection – well…