
CentralNic Group – The ‘Money Machine’ Continues Apace

Mark Watson-Mitchell speaks to CentralNic after the publication of their interim results.

Market Comment And A Patriotic Suggestion

In this end of week article Mark Watson-Mitchell gives a quick view of property prices, food prices and where the…

An August Fraught With Danger

Downside risks are rising this summer, as the Russia-Ukraine war gets even nastier, says Victor Hill.

Small Cap Catch-Up – Windward, CML and Sylvania

Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at some more small cap shares.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Pawnbrokers, Longboats and the Trinity

Mark Watson-Mitchell today comments upon H&T Group, Longboat Energy, Card Factory, Tekcapital and a new selection Trinity Exploration & Production.

Buy Rating For Smithson

It has been an interesting first few years for the £2.5bn Smithson, which became the largest investment trust IPO when…

Evil Diaries: An Electoral Issue

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Transense Technologies – Sensing The Time Is Right To Buy

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks in with this Oxfordshire-based technology firm.

Boiling Point

The climate doomsters make it more difficult to formulate effective climate policy, says Victor Hill.

Small Cap Catch-Up: All Heading Higher

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on a range of shares including Epwin, Mears and H&T that are on their way…