
Passive strategies to exploit an oil recovery

Filipe R. Costa reveals how to explore an opportunity in the oil market without being exposed to negative prices.

Small-cap bounce back – pharma stocks fighting COVID-19

Richard Gill, CFA, looks at three companies which are leading the fight against Covid-19 and look to have good growth…

Book Review: Dear Shareholder

Richard Gill, CFA, reviews Dear Shareholder: The Best Executive Letters from Warren Buffet, Prem Watsa and other great CEOs. 

Three charts to watch in the month ahead

Michael Taylor uncovers some of the trading opportunities being thrown up by the ongoing market volatility.

Royal Bank of Scotland rises after quarterly update

Royal Bank of Scotland saw its share price climb by 4.75% despite total income dropping by 1.6% during the first…

Year-end update lifts James Cropper

The price of shares in AIM-listed James Cropper rose by 3.83% after the company reported that adjusted pre-tax profits for…

Kromek’s end-of-year statement triggers sell-off

The price of shares in detection specialist Kromek Group tumbled 12.92% after it said that business had been impacted since…

Stocks in Focus: DXS International

An accredited NHS software creator is poised to enter a new growth phase with next-generation, digital, clinical-support engines, as healthcare…

Small-cap round-up: featuring Robinson, MP Evans, Loungers and more…

In this weekly summary, Mark Watson-Mitchell updates his readers on previous company profiles and other news of interest from the…

Evil Knievil: Oil over the place

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.