
Aston Martin, Gulf Marine and Hunting

Mark Watson-Mitchell provides an update on three of his favourite stocks.

Much More Than Just A “Peasants’ Revolt”

Europe’s farmers are up in arms – and, as in the UK, with good reason, says Victor Hill.

Evil Diaries: A Close Shave In Prospect

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Fantasy, Indices And Inflation

Mark Watson-Mitchell discusses Bloomsbury, Body Shop and wider economic developments.

Small-Cap Catch up: FTC, TRT, JNEO And AVG

Mark Watson-Mitchell updates readers about Filtronic, Transense, Journeo and Avingtrans.

UK Healthcare Property Trusts: High Yields And Double Digit Discounts

One of the more specialist areas of the property market that can easily get overlooked is the UK healthcare sector.

Evil Diaries: The Gabfest Continues

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

REACT Group Ready To Clean Up

Mark Watson-Mitchell reckons that this cleaning firm could be a tidy little earner.

The Crushing Dominance Of The US Tech Titans

The ‘Magnificent Seven’ are now the ‘Magnificent Six’ – and they are all tech titans, says Victor Hill.

Evil Diaries: Don’t Say Goodbye To Good Buy Backs

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.