
Can Rightmove and WPP shares deliver further FTSE 100 outperformance?

Robert Stephens, CFA, discusses the outlook for two FTSE 100 shares that have easily beaten the index in recent months

Evil Diaries: Small caps to accrue

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Small cap comment featuring ELIX, SFE and KAPE

Mark Watson-Mitchell updates his readers on previous company profiles and other news of interest from the exciting world of small-cap…

Fed Up! A book review by Richard Gill, CFA

Richard Gill reviews Fed Up! Success, Excess & Crisis Through the Eyes of a Hedge Fund Macro Trader by Colin…

The Small Cap Awards 2021 Shortlist Announcement

Discover more about the Small Cap Awards 2021 and the nominated companies.

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Earn an attractive five-percent yield from the Supermarket Income REIT

Nick Sudbury says that it has been a good year for this specialist property fund and takes a look ahead…

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Green Energy for green investors

There’s a lot of turmoil in the energy markets at the moment. John Cornford takes a look at green energy…