
Can Rolls-Royce and Tesco shares stay ahead of the FTSE 100?

Robert Stephens, CFA, discusses the prospects for Tesco and Rolls-Royce following their strong share price performances.

Fortitude Gold increases monthly dividend to 14%, makes new intercepts

Armchair Trader's Stuart Fieldhouse takes a look at this US-listed explorer.

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Evil Diaries: Unwarranted exercises

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

Revolution Bars Group – viva la Revolución, more people power please

Mark Watson-Mitchell investigates the bar chain and discusses if it could be worth your capital as we move out of…

Yields are on the rise – could we get a market crash?

The Bank of England has warned that markets are at risk if investors start to worry about the prospects of…

Hybridan Small Cap Feast

A round up of the day’s news brought to you by the team at small-cap broker and advisor Hybridan.

Mellon on the Markets: A few thoughts on longevity

Inside the mind of the Master Investor: Influential British investor Jim Mellon reveals his latest thoughts on the markets.

Evil Diaries: All gone?

Simon Cawkwell, AKA Evil Knievil, with his latest trading and gambling exploits – writing exclusively for Master Investor.

The Brighton Pier Group – This group’s shares are substantially undervalued

Brighton Pier's recent updates have been a rollercoaster. Mark Watson-Mitchell takes a look ahead at the firm's prospects.