
“Rogue trader” hall of fame

Jerome Kerviel, Societe Generale, $7 billion loss Bruno Michel Iksil, JP Morgan, $2.3 billion loss Kweku Adoboli UBS, $2.2 billion loss…

aim oil explorers – another chance to delve into the sweet shop

Xcite Energy - 94p Bowleven - 74p Northern Petroleum - 74p Gulfsands Petroleum - 111p Heritage Oil - 134p For…

“London Whale” loses JP Morgan at least $2 billion

JP Morgan Chase shares were last night down some 7% at $38 in after hours trading after a rather uncomfortable…

Borders and Southern Leiv Eiriksson rig arrives at Stebbing prospect

After months of activity at the Borders and Southern Darwin East well, the Leiv Eiriksson deep water rig has arrived…

AIM stocks take a real beating on wall of worry and snowball of margin calls

UPDATE (1) - 8AM - The 4th print in a week of the Put:Call ration in the US equity only data…

Spanish bonds priced over 6% add to fears in markets

Waiting on the first print of the options volume on the CBOE to guide us as to just how much…

Margin, margin, margin – control that leverage to be around to catch the inevitable updraft!

I hope the pic above does not signify the feelings of any of our readers today - if it does…

Lets “lance the boil” of Greece and move on!

There was some respite in the stock market falls on Wall Street last night with the US indices coming back…

Bargains, bargains everywhere…. and prescient words from last months edition of our magazine

From last months magazine we opined upon the potential retracement levels in the FTSE & S&P 500… Both duly hit…

When others are fearful……

I’ve been adding some choice AIM oil and gas stocks to my account today….Chariot, Bowleven, Gulf Keystone. For a medium…