
Revisiting the Oil Explorers Dream List

Given the deathly environment in the Oil Explorers sector at present, we thought it useful to look back at what…

Why Carney won’t work any magic for England

I have long been a huge critic of the Bank of England, writing many posts about during the now long…


After hovering between 250p & 280p for weeks the volume in BUMI this afternoon and in particular into the closing…

Infamous short seller Muddy Waters targets Asian based Olam with accounting issues

Muddy Waters Carson Block Muddy Waters, the infamous US short seller headed by Carson Block and which was instrumental in…

Is the FTSE Under OR OVERvalued?

2012 has been yet another tough for those who like to trade the FTSE. The blue chip index is up…

A Zak Mir Falkland Oil & Gas Post Mortem

I’m not sure whether this post-mortem on the Falkland Oil and Gas share price collapse is more appropriate to CSI…

Ceres Power lives on (but David Pumell does not!)

An RNS just out this afternoon detailing a dramatically scaled back fund raising announcement for Ceres Power Holdings and, thankfully,…

HEdge fund managers on a chinese stock buying spree

It seems that foreign investors and hedge fund managers in particular are buying into the 2013 China recovery story following…

Market news round up, upgrades & downgrades courtesy of Cantor Index

Cantor Opening Call The FTSE is called to open up around 25-30 points higher this morning       UK…

Latest Federal Reserve Beige book shows mixed U.S. economic activity

The latest Federal Reserve Beige book report on the U.S. economy was released yesterday with the New York area hit…