Funds and Investment Trusts

Schroder Oriental Income: Solid Performance And A 4.5% Yield

The £660m Schroder Oriental Income Trust has an unusual remit in that it mainly invests in dividend-paying stocks in the…

Piling Into a Curve Steepener Trade

Although current inflation levels are high, long-term inflation expectations remain steady at around 2%, causing the yield curve to invert…

Where To Park Your Cash

It’s a tricky time for investors at the moment with annual UK consumer price inflation still over 10%.

Where Next For The Growth-Focused Investment Trusts?

Growth investing has outperformed value for more than a decade, but the significant recent shift in the macro environment has…

Is It Really Possible To Earn A 16% Yield?

There are not many investment trusts that purport to offer a double digit yield, but one of the few exceptions…

Interesting Developments at BH Macro

The hedge fund BH Macro has just released an impressive set of results.

Venture Capital Investing: Why EIS Funds Can Outperform VCT Funds

Symvan Capital CEO Kealan Doyle explains why EIS Funds could help lift investors' returns.

Impax Environmental Markets: Well-Placed To Weather The Storm

The £1.3bn Impax Environmental Markets aims to generate long-term capital growth by investing in companies that are providing innovative solutions…

What Are The Prospects For UK Equity Income Funds?

It has been a volatile few months to be invested in the UK equity income sector, with the latest setback…

Earn A Seven Percent Yield With BioPharma Credit

For many investment trusts 2022 was a year to forget, but that was certainly not the case for the $1.4bn…