Funds and Investment Trusts

Miton Global Opportunities offers contrarian diversification

Miton Global Opportunities (MIGO) could make a useful diversifying holding. The policies followed by the world’s most influential central banks…

How to inflation-proof your portfolio

There is a growing feeling that UK inflation could pick up dramatically over the next few years. You can see…

The peer-to-peer investment trusts that pay a 7% yield

Investors looking to tap the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending boom would do well to seek out a suitable investment trust in…

British Empire Trust: An investment fund re-energised

One of the attractions of investment trusts is that in many cases the managers seem to stay in place longer…

Law Debenture: Steady income at a double-digit discount

The majority of investment trusts that offer a relatively steady source of income have been bid up well beyond their…

Infrastructure can yield strong long-term returns

The protracted period of low interest rates triggered by the 2008 financial crisis has pushed up the value of many…

Is this fund the ideal inflation hedge?

Last week I wrote about the merits of investing in index-linked gilts as a way of protecting your capital against…

The funds trying to do no evil

It is hard to think of an area that divides opinion more strongly than Socially Responsible Investing (SRI). Those who…

Huge upsurge in the value of index-linked bond funds

Recent analysis by the Wealth Club showed that the best performing area of the market in August was the UK…

The Best and Worst Performers after Brexit

The surprise result of the EU referendum sent shockwaves through the financial markets and created a huge amount of volatility.…