Funds and Investment Trusts

The equity fund with the best risk-adjusted return

The best way to assess the performance of an active fund is to look at its risk-adjusted return, which measures…

The absolute return fund that is shorting Tesla

My colleague, Simon Cawkwell, writing in his Evil Diaries, recently described Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) as “surely…..the greatest short in the history of…

Skin in the game

Recent research by the broker Canaccord Genuity has highlighted which boards of directors and fund managers have the most significant…

The out-of-favour fund that is paying a 12.5% yield

Contrarian investors are always on the lookout for unloved securities where the bad news is already baked in and there…

Would you trust Putin with your money?

The dreadful nerve agent attack on the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury on March…

Three overseas funds to diversify your income

Investors who want to generate a rising level of income will normally allocate a significant part of their portfolio to…

Don’t lose your balance

There are many different factors to take into account when deciding which funds to invest in, but the main determinant…

Three low volatility funds to protect your portfolio

Last week was another volatile one for investors with the main equity indices experiencing further sharp falls. Those who are…

New infrastructure fund provides global diversification

Infrastructure investment trusts have the potential to deliver steady, inflation beating returns, but most are heavily biased towards UK-based assets…

How to diversify through alternative assets

One of the most remarkable trends in the financial markets over the last few years has been the rise in…