Funds and Investment Trusts

The best and worst performing funds of 2021

Nick Sudbury runs through the 2021's top picks and some funds that you would have been better off avoiding.

The Fed comes clean and admits that inflation is not transitory

Monetary policy is finally being tightened, but the markets are not pricing in the full extent of the measures needed…

The Monks investment trust: a portfolio of Baillie Gifford’s best-ideas

Although not as well-known as its larger stablemate, Scottish Mortgage, Monks provides a great way to gain exposure to Baillie…

Schroder Asian Total Return: attractive ‘all-weather’ mandate

Some investment trusts don’t get the attention they deserve with Schroder Asian Total Return being a case in point; its…

HICL Infrastructure: solid performance with a 4.9% inflation-linked yield

Real assets such as infrastructure are among the best ways to protect yourself against rising inflation with the returns from…

Which trusts and funds are the professionals buying?

The latest updates from the various fund-of-funds can give some useful pointers as to where the managers are finding value.

The under-the-radar trust that is trading at a 56% discount

It is not often that you come across an investment trust that is available for less than half of its…

Buying opportunity for the Biotech Growth Trust

Does Biotech Growth Trust's recent share price weakness offer a decent entry point for long-term investors?

Fixed Income ETFs for Avoiding Interest-Rate Risk

Looking back at bond yields over the last 40 years, all we see is a steep, never-ending decline, but is…

Weathering the storm: how UK equity income trusts have protected their dividends

A report by Investec looking at how the UK equity income sector held up during the lockdown has highlighted an…