Funds and Investment Trusts

The bestselling trusts and funds for income

The rise in inflation has led to a noticeable increase in the number of investors looking for income generating trusts…

Beware… but Follow the Money

It's been a pretty bad start for the year on the markets. Filipe R Costa asks whether this is a…

Personal Assets holds steady as the sell-off intensifies

Annual results reveal another solid year for the defensively positioned multi-asset trust as its experienced manager draws parallels with the…

High yielders: the equity investment trusts with the highest yields

Income investors have a wide choice of trusts that pay anything from four to eight percent a year.

Merchants Trust: Time to shine

The top performing UK Equity Income trust looks well-placed to benefit from the continued rotation from value to growth.

Tough year for Scottish Mortgage but is now the time to buy the dip?

It has been hard going for investors in Scottish Mortgage whose shares have halved from the recent all-time high, yet…

Smithson: Keep calm and carry on regardless

It has been a brutal few month’s for Terry Smith’s popular investment trust with the sharp increase in bond yields…

Potential buying opportunity for BlackRock Smaller Companies

It has been a brutal few months for many growth-oriented trusts including in the UK smaller companies sector, with the…

Buying opportunity for Round Hill Music

The music royalties investment trust has built up a varied portfolio of vintage catalogues, which provides a diversified source of…

The investment trust that is set to benefit from higher inflation and interest rates

Middlefield Canadian Income is heavily invested in pipelines and energy, real-estate, financials and renewable power generation, it also enjoys a…