Funds and Investment Trusts

Murray International: solid performer with a 4.3% yield

The global investment trust has outperformed its benchmark and offers an attractive source of income.

Tough six months for Smithson but broker retains buy recommendation

Growth-oriented trust lost more than 30% in the six months to the end of June as higher interest rates detracted…

Full steam ahead for Taylor Maritime

Freight shipping trust continues to benefit from supply side constraints.

Hard hats on and hunker down it’s all about to get a lot worse

This year’s update from the Ruffer Investment Company contains an apocalyptic warning for investors.

Is now the time to buy into China?

The Chinese stock market has been on a rollercoaster of a ride, rising strongly after the initial pandemic-inspired sell-off, only…

The best and worst alternative investment trusts

It has been an interesting start to the year for the alternatives sector, with many of the constituents outperforming the…

The best and worst investment trusts of an action packed first half

It has been a dramatic start to the year with a handful of winners and lots of big losers, but…

DIY − Building a Portfolio of ‘Cash Cows’

After two decades of underperformance, we are seeing the return of value as an investment strategy. Buying conservatively valued companies…

JLEN Environmental Assets: a six percent yield with high inflation linkage

The £800m investment trust offers a one-stop shop for diversified renewable energy exposure and has recently been added to Winterflood’s…

Is now the time to put your faith in Monks?

The portfolio of Baillie Gifford’s best ideas has had a torrid few months and is now back to where it…