Evil Diaries

The Evil Diaries: Democracy is a Greater Good

Evil discusses Quindell, Tyratech, HSBC and Philip of Macedon… I owe readers an apology in that when I declared that…

The Evil Diaries: Afren Continues to Astound

Evil discusses Phosphorus Holdco PIK Toggle bonds, Afren, Quindell and the Grand National… Back on Phosphorus Holdco PIK Toggle bonds,…

The Evil Diaries: We Cannot Afford This

Evil discusses Phosphorus Holdco, William Hill and HSBC… Phosphorus Holdco, a subsidiary of Phosphorus Jersey Limited (controlled by BC Partners)…

The Evil Diaries: We Are Governed by Wallies

Evil discusses Phosphorus Holdco Plc senior bonds, South African kleptocrats and the Miliband-Fink tax avoidance spat… I have bought Phosphorus…

The Evil Diaries: Caught in Flagrante

Evil discusses Dominic Strauss-Khan, Amira Nature Foods and Geiger counter… It is recorded that a long dead British prime minister,…

Panorama and HSBC

Fifty or so years ago, when Panorama kicked off, it was a respected programme. The edition I saw last night…

Evil Diaries Addendum: Transaction Costs

As readers know, we last week featured Crispin Odey’s review of the prospects for Western economies and, quite possibly, others…

Evil Diaries Addendum: Failed murder attempt to be compensated

I met Sean Daley getting on for eight years ago. He had been CEO of Camco Corporation, operating in Kyrgyzstan…

The Evil Diaries: Faites vos jeux

Evil discusses Asia Resource Minerals and Churchill Mining… Well, well, well. Nat Rothschild has underwritten a $100m placing at 25p…

The Evil Diaries: Septuagenarian Vegetarian

Evil discusses Hargreaves Lansdown, Avanti Communications, Oxus Gold and vegetarianism… Hargreaves Lansdown (HL.), now 980p, is on a PE of…