Evil Diaries

The Evil Diaries: “Talk about hope value”

I saw that KKR had chucked out perhaps 25% of the equity of Pets At Home (PETS) a few days…

The Evil Diaries: “A clear case of Grrrrrrrrrrrrr….”

I was startled by the Foxtons (FOXT) story of a £42m refund to clients through deemed taking of hidden commissions.…


The Evil Diaries: “If it were not so sad it would be hugely comical”

If it were not so sad it would be hugely comical. But HM Treasury decided to grab the money and…

Lansdowne -- Assets

The Evil Diaries: Protective Aggrandisement

For those such as myself who are sceptical about Foxtons (FOXT) what follows here is hardly a surprise. However, for…

The Evil Diaries: “I am staying short Trinity Mirror”

The chairman of Burnbrae Media Limited, better known as The Debonair One, has been on this morning about the bond…

Cadence Minerals

The Evil Diaries: “What I seek is scandal or sex”

Late on Friday last, GCM (GCM) offered two RNSs. The first was the advice that GCM had borrowed £3m for…

Evil Knievil on Proxama (PROX)

After yesterday's comment on Proxama (PROX), I decided that it would be helpful to expand the comments so that readers…

The Evil Diaries: “are we not coming to the end of the great junior resources stock bear market?”

Following up on my short USD/EUR comment yesterday a reader comments: "I am sure that you are aware of this,…

The Evil Diaries: “I either write off the lot or make perhaps five or ten times that amount”

Right now there are approximately 1.09 USD to the Euro. A source whom I respect and trust came on overnight…

The Evil Diaries: “not even remotely an idiot”

Today's RNS from Plus500 (PLUS) does not allow hard sensible conclusions. I know that Odey has bought again and I…