Evil Diaries

The Evil Diaries: African Potash, Proxama and Watkins Jones

It has taken a while but today's figures for the half year to 31st December for African Potash (AFPO) are…

The Evil Diaries: “Let them have LSE: we’ll take the cash”

The former CEO of Proxama (PROX) decided to dump 110m shares last Wednesday. There's a lock on 60m but the…

The Evil Diaries: Wirecard and Avanti

Yesterday evening I hosted a cabal of short-sellers who discussed, inter alia, matters at Wirecard (WDI on Frankfurt). There is…

The Evil Diaries: “Apology to Wirecard”

I had no sooner attended the chairman's lunch on Friday and wended my way back to my desk than I…

The Evil Diaries: Pantheon, Molins and Proxama

Pantheon (PANR) have raised $25m at 115p. This looks fairly bullish to me since there has been quite a short position…

The Evil Diaries: Plethora and Foxtons

Niki Adams of the Collective of English Prostitutes and self-declaredly a prostitute appeared on C4 news last Friday evening arguing…

The Evil Diaries: “A few weeks before pay day”

Life and death in Eire: Minco (MIO) has won in the High Court. I do not know where this leads…

The Evil Diaries: Ocado, Churchill Mining and Pantheon

Every now and then one finds one is on the winning side where one's colleagues have done nothing at all.…

The Evil Diaries: “I bet you hadn’t reserved that possibility”

It staggers me that the likes of BALPA have to point out that a drone could bring down a plane…

The Evil Diaries: Wirecard, Pantheon and Watchstone

Wirecard (WDI on Frankfurt) yesterday pointed out to Morgan Stanley that no current or past staff of Wirecard had anything…