Evil Diaries

The Evil Diaries: BHS, William Hill and Watchstone

Frank Field is potty. How could he possibly claim that Green is worse than Maxwell? Maxwell engaged in fraudulent accounting…

The Evil Diaries: FastJet, ARM and Mulberry

I may be going mad in that the £13m fundraise through new equity at 50p at FastJet (FJET) (with, it…

The Evil Diaries: Sergio Garcia, Labour, Volvere and Beximco

I had backed Sergio Garcia eachway with BetFred and squeaked a dividend which has been sufficient to pay for all…

The Evil Diaries: Tesla, Hammond, Carney and Troon

There is still plenty of time to short Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA). Just consider the following: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-13/elon-musk-face-bubbling-stock-market-maybe-not-long And some of the comments:…

The Evil Diaries: “I get the money quicker”

Thank God Leadsom dropped out as quickly as she did. I get the money quicker. ***** Last night I saw…

The Evil Diaries: Mitie and Pantheon

Mitie (MTO) bought back last Friday a further 105,000 shares - this time at 241p. This is part of a…

The Evil Diaries: Chemours, Tesla & Tony Blair

It's taken a while but latish last night Chemours (CC on NYSE) collapsed 25% as a result of one litigant's…

The Evil Diaries: St Peter Port Capital, Tory Treachery and Lord Monson

Yet again, St Peter Port Capital (SPPC) has produced figures that are utterly at variance with the share price, now…

The Evil Diaries: Petro Matad, Lord Heseltine and Gold

Things got interesting latish yesterday in Petro Matad (MATD), now capitalised at £4.5m given the shares in issue of 280m…

The Evil Diaries: “Time to Wheel on the Tumbrels”

Time to wheel on the tumbrels: We can stick the lead traitors such as Cameron and Carney in the back…