
Currys – Never Try To Catch A Falling Knife…

Mark Watson-Mitchell confronts the urge to grab at a falling share.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Windward, Strix And DWF All Going Higher

Mark Watson-Mitchell ends the week with a look at some stocks moving upwards.

CentralNic Group – Heading From 115p To 130p And Beyond

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on this internet services specialist.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Compliance, Motors, Fans and Fit-Outs

Mark Watson-Mitchell marks the start of July with a peek at some hot shares.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Deliveries, Finance, Luxury Cars And Shipbroking

Mark Watson-Mitchell ends the week with another look at some of his favourites.

DWF Group – Mega Cheap On A 10.86% Yield And 5.43 P/E

Mark Watson-Mitchell thinks the shares of this legal services group are severely undervalued ahead of its results that are due…

Two More Winners – SRT Marine Systems And Filtronic

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on some companies that have hit his previous target prices.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Aston Martin, Sanderson, Windward And More

Mark Watson-Mitchell runs through some of the latest small cap news.

Mears Group – Update Boosts Attractions

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks in on this housing services specialist.

Two Global Winners – GPH and UPGS

Mark Watson-Mitchell takes another look at a couple of his favourites.