
Market Comment And A Patriotic Suggestion

In this end of week article Mark Watson-Mitchell gives a quick view of property prices, food prices and where the…

Small Cap Catch-Up – Windward, CML and Sylvania

Mark Watson-Mitchell looks at some more small cap shares.

Small Cap Catch-Up: Pawnbrokers, Longboats and the Trinity

Mark Watson-Mitchell today comments upon H&T Group, Longboat Energy, Card Factory, Tekcapital and a new selection Trinity Exploration & Production.

Transense Technologies – Sensing The Time Is Right To Buy

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks in with this Oxfordshire-based technology firm.

Small Cap Catch-Up: All Heading Higher

Mark Watson-Mitchell checks back in on a range of shares including Epwin, Mears and H&T that are on their way…

Bango – Super Bundling Losses To Profits This Year

Mark Watson-Mitchell follows up on last week’s trading update from this super bundling tech group as it looks to swing…

Aberforth Smaller Companies: Value Play Or Value Trap?

One of the higher risk areas that has come under pressure in recent months is the smaller companies sector, where…

Follow-ups on SRT Marine Systems and Filtronic

Mark Watson-Mitchell starts the week by catching up with the ‘Two More Winners’ that he featured a month ago.

Frasers Group – Shares Feel Very Wrongly Priced

Mark Watson-Mitchell explains why he believes this firm's share price doesn't reflect its underlying value.

Seeking for Value Out of the Current Frenzy

Investors have been insanely optimist about the future, pushing the prices of megacaps like Apple, Amazon, Tesla and Nvidia massively…