
Should you check in to Intercontinental Hotels?

Should you check in to Intercontinental Hotels? The Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG) Q3 results looked impressive. But on fuller consideration,…

Unilever still looks overvalued

After the surprisingly good results for the third quarter of this year. The shares still look worryingly overvalued on the…

Out of fashion N.Brown looks attractive

N.Brown, the Manchester based catalogue and internet supplier of fashions for the outsized classes (who are always with us and…

Time to take to the skies – but with which stock?

i) Rolls Royce is at 713p on news that EEC competition authority is looking at aviation engineering support contracts, another potential…

I don’t know when, but SyQic shares could sharply re-rate

Driven by increased penetration of broadband, along with higher adoption of smartphones and tablets, it is no secret that the…

Hold Close Brothers Group (CBG) Tight

Hold Close Brothers Group (CBG) Tight Close Brothers Group (CGB) has just delivered its statement of results for the year…


It’s summer’s end, and I am ready to go off to Hong Kong, away from Ibiza‘s (for me) innocent charms.…

Airport Wars: Heathrow versus Gatwick

London’s Heathrow Airport is the only airport in the advanced world serving a national capital which subsists on just two…

VW: Emissions Versus Omissions

With the revelation that VW have been hoodwinking customers and regulators, all over the world it seems, what can we…

Waiting for Godot

As featured in this month’s Master Investor Magazine. In the dark days of the 1930s Depression, policy-makers were divided into…