
Better Times Ahead for BP?

The first quarter results from BP are essentially good news, although complex in analysis. Here is my “hot towel around…

How Can We (Legally) Invest in the Black Market?

As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine. There are board meetings at regular intervals for all companies.…

Still Flying High at IAG

I have taken another look at International Consolidated Airlines Group, which has come down 15% from 619p last December to…

Are These the Cheapest Stocks in London (Part 3)?

Having done a scan of all the stocks in London for this three part feature one stood out as being…

GKN Driving Ahead

GKN (GKN) bounced cheerfully at the Trading Statement. But on first inspection it is difficult to discern what it was…

SalvaRx: Fighting Cancer from Within

An Interview with Ian Walters, MD, CEO of SalvaRx plc James Faulkner: Hi Ian. SalvaRx describes itself as a drug…

Loving Apple, but Selling It

As ubiquitous as its namesake fruit, Apple has turned its macintosh species into a range of highly desirable brand name…

Spring Round-Up: AAU, CNR, HRN, HUM, KEFI and PAF

As I hope readers realise, I'm not in the business of managing their investments. The ideas I put up are…

Technology Trumps Politics in the Age of Reality TV

  As seen in the latest issue of Master Investor Magazine. Political elites are crumbling before our eyes across the…

Are These the Cheapest Stocks in London (Part 2)?

Potentially looking even cheaper than my first selection on Monday but with many more risks, is Tandem Group (TND), a…