
Sirius Minerals: an Update

AIM: SXX Shares in issue: 2,295m Market cap @19p: £436m Back in March I advised not to chase Sirius Minerals,…

Data Mining: the Future of Healthcare?

Florence Nightingale’s Deep Mind  Life expectancy has doubled in Europe and North America over the last 150 years and is…

Takeover Time at Valeant?

The last year has been tough for Valeant Pharmaceuticals, as the Canadian specialty drug maker has been involved in scandals,…

Stamp of Approval for Royal Mail?

Royal Mail, at 532p following the last annual results to late March 2016 - and after the Ofcom report –…

Ready to Fire Up: Coal to Power Stocks

Progress of one sort or another is being made at all four of the coal to power projects (in Tanzania,…

GlaxoSmithKline: Turning a Corner in Q1

The evidence of the optimistic recovery plan at GSK is borne out in the first-quarter results and management have gone…

Would Warren Buffett Buy These Small Caps?

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine Warren Buffet is considered to be a great man for…

Facebook: Technology or Ideology?

Mark Zuckerberg, the 31-year-old founder and CEO of Facebook Inc. (NASDAQ:FB), recently told an adoring audience of Silicon Valley developers:…

Which UK Stocks Would Buffett Put in His Portfolio?

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine I’m going to be completely frank with you: you are…

Land Securities: 21% Discount Could Narrow on a ‘Remain’ Vote

Here, I outline the success of the company in riding the London commercial boom and largely arranging things suitably, in…