
Political uncertainty adds to the allure of Randgold Resources

The election result has plunged the UK into a period of significant political uncertainty. There have been calls for Theresa…

Meet the European bank bucking the trend

Banco Santader buys Banco Popular It's always intriguing to read in the news that one big European bank just purchased…

Election risks make PZ Cussons even more appealing

The general election result was supposed to be a foregone conclusion. The Conservative party was meant to increase the size…

Higher inflation makes Pennon a must-have stock

A higher rate of inflation could be a game changer for UK income investors. In recent years, it has been…

Rooplay: the “Netflix of Games”

Master Investor: Hi Jason and thanks for taking the time to speak with Master Investor. Rooplay has been dubbed “the…

Ignore the FTSE 100 and buy Royal Mail

It’s been a long road but, finally, the FTSE 100 has reached 7,500 points. This may prompt worry among some…

The even slower death of the stockbroker analyst – part 2

I started out on this series thinking I would ask where investors - private and institutional – will go for…

Investor expectations make SSE a buy

Investor expectations can be a gift or a curse. Sometimes they allow investors to buy shares at discounted prices because…

This FTSE 250 company yields close to 7% – but is it a yield trap?

Over the last two of month's I've outlined a series of ten questions which I use to help me avoid…

Three small caps trading at below net asset value

Valuing shares is a tricky business. That’s why over the decades equity analysts have developed a range of different ways…