Economics & Markets

Wednesday’s Master Investor Market Report, featuring TUI Travel, Galliford Try, SAB Miller and Vertu Motors

Unemployment in the UK hit a 7 year low after new figures from the Office for National Statistics showed 1.83…

Rising Bond Yields Open Cracks In Emerging Markets

One of the most boring realities observed in the financial world is the tendency for reversion. When the price of…

Tuesday’s Master Investor Market Report featuring EasyJet, Experian, Anite and Avanti Comms

Fresh data from the Office for National Statistics has shown that UK industrial output grew at its fastest rate for…

The BoE Is Walking A Thin Line

With the British economy now growing at an unspectacular but still decent pace, it is time to finally let it…

Are Hedge Funds “Bond-Like” Investments?

In 2008 Warren Buffet made a big bet against hedge funds. He claimed that an investor would be better off…

Badger of Broad Street: “severe, potentially “hard hats” severe”

Here in Badger’s Holt, I’ve deliberately kept my head down during the UK election. I took the view that saying…

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report featuring Intercontinental Hotels, Energy Companies, Housebuilders and Numis Corporation

The Conservative Party has won an overall majority with 331 seats in the House of Commons. Whilst sterling and UK…

Bond Mini Crash Uncovers Rising Risks

In my blog Don’t Fight The Fed, Fight The ECB, published last week, I said that investors face an epic…

Thuesday’s Master Investor Market Report featuring Morrisons, Telecity, BT and Proton Power Systems

The Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has said that he expects a bailout agreement to be reached in the coming…

Follow Bernanke, Not Me

An Opinion Worth Millions Whoever thought Ben Bernanke’s golden age was terminated on 1st February, 2014, with the end of…