Economics & Markets

Is The UK Becoming A Poor Country?

Some commentators have observed recently that the UK now feels like a poor country. Can countries that were once rich…

Ad Astra: SpaceX versus Tesla

SpaceX will soon be worth more than Tesla. Elon, we still love you – despite your poor corporate governance, declares…

Food Fears: the UK’s Poor Food Security is Costing Us Dear

Food-price inflation in the UK is likely to continue this year at a higher rate than in Europe. While food…

The UK Investment Environment in 2023

We keep hearing that 2023 is going to be a challenging year for the UK. But the upside might trump…

My 15 Predictions for 2023

The year ahead will be a challenging one for investors, but some substantive long-term trends will come into clearer focus.…

The Outlook for UK Inflation, Interest Rates and Sterling in 2023

Interest rates in the UK will have to rise a little further in 2023, even though the inflation outlook is…

Wind Power Won’t Save Us

Renewables are more expensive than is claimed because of the cost of maintaining back-up generation capacity, observes Victor Hill.

China: Not Rising, but Stalling

The failure of President Xi’s Zero Covid policy and the popular resentment against it come as China’s growth dynamic has…

Are the Tories finished and should investors even care?

The polls suggest that Labour will win the next UK general election by a wide margin. The Tories face an…

Are we past the market bottom and inflation top?

Historical data points toward increasing odds of recession amid growing inflation numbers, and the current profit projections for 2023 are…