Economics & Markets

Monday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,078.01, an increase of 35.09 points. - The FTSE 250 rose by…

Canada is heading for a hard landing

“Back in the old days, a collapse in mining meant that brokers, promoters, and mining entrepreneurs – not to mention…

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,042.92, a decrease of 151.18 points. - The FTSE 250 fell by…

Thursday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,194.10, an increase of 110.79 points. - The FTSE 250 grew by…

Draghi still has ammunition in his bazooka

Earlier in the year the ECB announced its own asset purchase programme to reflate the Eurozone economy. Investors received the…

Wednesday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,098.05, an increase of 39.51 points. - The FTSE 250 grew by…

Tuesday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,068.49, a decrease of 179.45 points. - The FTSE 250 fell by…

Central Banks Have Lost the Inflation Link

For the last three decades, central banks have been concentrating their efforts on fighting two gaps - the output gap…

Friday’s Master Investor Market Report

- The FTSE 100 closed the day at 6,247.94, an increase of 55.91 points. - The FTSE 250 grew by…

The sound of breaking China, or China by numbers

As my response to what seemed the panic and hysteria of the Great Fall of China last week, I got…