Economics & Markets

What the theory says about the January Effect

We are now approaching the Christmas season during which people prepare to take a small holiday and to make a…

Government finances – the mint with the hole

Five days before Mr Osborne gave his Autumn Statement the UK Government released its latest borrowing figures. They should have…

War on Terror II: How the Markets will Respond

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 02 December 2015) the United Kingdom, barring some unforeseen upset, will formally enter War on Terror II. Given…

Emerging markets are the victims of central banks

After more than a decade of easy money, the emerging world is nearing a downturn (if not a collapse), as…

Mellon on the Markets

As I write this, I am on a working Norwegian ferry, hugging the coast between Bergen half way up and…

Mr Osborne’s Conjuring Trick

Back in July I wrote a piece on Mr Osborne’s budget (Mr Osborne’s Brave New World) in which I praised…

The Pantomime Season and the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement

It is delightful that Her Majesty’s Government has arranged its communication of fiscal policy to serve also as a means…

Switzerland is a testing ground for negative interest rates

The epic experiment with negative rates continues to unfold, as central banks are unable to boost consumer inflation with the…

War on Terror II: End of Days

Wednesday’s headline in The Sun was a classic: SHOT DOWN…AND WORLD HOLDS BREATH. I love The Sun. For its honesty,…

Stocks Vs Bonds – Which Asset Class is Riskier?

The debate about risk lies too much around CAPM, standard deviation, beta and a few other concepts that are rarely…