Economics & Markets

The Great Global Debt Pit

The entire world is deep in debt. As interest rates rise further many will drown in the stuff, says Victor…

Price Controls Are Not The Solution To Food Inflation

Food price inflation in the UK is high and persistent - but capping prices by government fiat will not work,…

I Am Certainly No Expert But…

Right now there are many areas of concern that do not seem to be under tight administration.

The Anxious Tale of the Missing Gigafactory

Germany will have two EV-battery gigafactories by the end of the decade and France at least four. But what about…

The Great Central Bank Dilemma

Central banks must tame inflation and maintain financial stability at the same time. That poses a dilemma, says Victor Hill.

Food For Thought: The Future Of Meat-Eating

The polarised debate about meat-eating is now driving food policy – for good and ill, says Victor Hill.

The China Game

A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would have serious ramifications for us all, says Victor Hill.

Taxes In The UK Are Too High – Even Jeremy Hunt Says So

The UK’s tax regime punishes those who create wealth, in order to fund unsatisfactory public services, says Victor Hill.

Is AI Really What We’re Told It Is?

The reaction to the launch of ChatGPT has been borderline hysterical. Chatbots are just useful ‘zombies’ – there is absolutely…

The Automotive Sector: Electrification Goes Into Reverse

The total electrification of vehicular transport will be postponed, says Victor Hill.