Economics & Markets

The One Asset Class That Looks Cheap Right Now

Global gyrations During the last decade we have played witness to massive capital movements around the world. Money has flowed…

A June Rate Hike at the FED?

Over the last week much ink has been spent in trying to pinpoint the Fed’s next policy moves from a…

How to Play the Bounce in the Aussie

The Australian economy has been hit hard by a global decline in the demand for commodities, a fierce currency war…

Turkey’s Future Affects Us All

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine Turkey is now a key regional player with a dynamic…

The Problem with the Anti-Corruption Movement?

...Corruption is Endemic! One thing we have learned this week: when you are making small-talk with Her Majesty about weighty…

Mellon on the Markets

As seen in the lastest issue of Master Investor Magazine I’m writing this on American Airlines flight from LAX to…

Alice in Wonderland Economics Leads Us towards Gold

As I have been telling anyone that I can buttonhole at drinks parties for some time, we are living in…

The Trumpification of the US Economy

Over the last few months we have witnessed a series of presidential primary elections and caucuses to determine which candidates…

President Trump

In the words of Bob Dylan, ‘the times, they are a changing’ Sitting through Donald Trump’s speech after the results…

One Step Closer to a Cash Ban in Europe

So, they finally mustered the courage to do it! The €500 note will no longer be produced in the Eurozone,…