Economics & Markets

India’s DIY recession

During the painful periods of hyperinflation in the last century, there were a few episodes when governments decided to demonetise…

Turkey is heading towards chaos

While the global euphoria ignited by Donald Trump persists, there are parts of the world where sentiment is a little…

Modi’s demonetisation sell-off is a buying opportunity

In keeping with the Indian Government’s reform agenda, on 8 November Prime Minister Modi announced the immediate withdrawal of Rs.…

The BONDfire of the Vanities

Last week I was in New York, and by sheer chance I ended up right next to Trump’s golden palace…

I, Philip Hammond…

UK public finances are way off course. But, despite the unsympathetic forces of a cynical state ranged against him, one…

The big flaw in Trump’s reflation plan

We have reached a point where people are so tired of the current economic model that they’re willing to support…

Why you should be worried about global debt levels

Financial Armageddon? At least you reacted… Readers’ reactions to my piece in this month’s MI magazine on the theme of…

Why Trump could be a huge relief for the Eurozone

Far from heralding disaster for the Eurozone, Donald Trump may soon help to replace the melancholic frown on European faces with…

Why Donald Trump could be great for the global economy

Building a wall? A ban on Muslims entering the US? Mass deportation of illegal immigrants? Anyone assessing some of Donald…

The pound will rebound

To prove that Wall Street is an early omen of movements still to come in GNP, commentators quote economic studies…