Economics & Markets

India is Already the Third Superpower

India goes from strength to strength and is now a major geopolitical player, says Victor Hill.

Debt Dilemmas

If we are going to condemn the next generation to pay off our unsustainable national debt at least we should…

An August Fraught With Danger

Downside risks are rising this summer, as the Russia-Ukraine war gets even nastier, says Victor Hill.

Boiling Point

The climate doomsters make it more difficult to formulate effective climate policy, says Victor Hill.

Who Wants To Invest In The UK?

Victor Hill asks why any canny investor would allocate to the no-growth UK.

Sir Keir Starmer’s “Clean Energy Superpower”, Seriously?

Labour plans to cover the land with solar and wind arrays backed by a publicly owned utility called GB Energy.…

Europe’s Right Turn

A swathe of EU countries have turned right in recent elections. Something fundamental and possibly long-lasting is in play, says…

Russia-Ukraine: Where Will It All End?

The Wagner Group mutiny has changed our calculus. Endgame scenarios for the war in Ukraine are now in view but…

The ‘Old Lady’, HM Treasury and the “Mortgage Crisis”

UK gilt yields and thus mortgage rates have spiked recently. Inflation is stubbornly persistent, and rates are up again. What…

China vs. The USA: Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger?

The conventional wisdom was until recently that China would overtake the USA sometime soon. That now seems much less likely,…