Economics & Markets

Rates up, populism down

Last week we witnessed some interesting global developments that will pave the way forward: populism was somewhat defeated in the…

The week when nothing happened

Okay, a few things did happen. But my point is that the major government bond markets and the US Dollar-Euro-Sterling…

Huddle Capital: Shaping the future of business-to-business lending

Join Huddle and Master Investor in a live Q&A Twitter chat on Tuesday 21st March from 1pm. Send your questions…

One and a half cheers for “Spreadsheet Phil”

Mr Hammond’s first and last spring budget was a cosh delivered to the growing army of the self-employed (white van…

Prepare for wealth taxes in the UK

Governments in future will be obliged to move from taxing income to taxing assets, not least in the UK. Readers…

It’s time for the ECB to turn hawkish

The tone used by the US Federal Reserve to express its attitude towards monetary policy has changed significantly since last…

Can Brazilian stocks continue to rally?

After three years of subdued performance, there are once again signs of life for Emerging Market equities, including Brazil. By…

The strange case of the Swedish taxpayer

In general, taxpayers try to minimise their contributions to the government budget, either by optimising their tax rate or through…

Downfall: Mr Juncker in his Bunker

In his final days as ruthless EU dictator, the Leader made a series of cataclysmic blunders, based largely on a…

“Populism” and the Age of Disruption

The future of politics This week I want to talk politics without getting (party) political. Like many others, as an…