Economics & Markets

Where will Sterling go from here? Here’s a prediction…

At the Master Investor Show in London on 25 March, which many of my readers will have attended, one question…

The even slower death of the stockbroker’s analyst (part 1)

Following Tim Price’s article on the slow death of the stockbroker, written from the perspective of a fund manager, here is…

Stay young, get rich – why longevity science is the next money fountain

At the latest Master Investor Show, Jim Mellon, one of the UK’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, revealed his current…

The appetite for Brazilian stocks and potential for interest rate cuts

In a previous article on these pages, I examined the outlook for the Brazilian Stock Exchange – the Bovespa –…

Revealed: What history teaches us about Brexit

The constitutional historian Professor David Starkey has compared the invocation of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty on 29 March…

The slow death of the Anglo-Saxon stockbroker

Back in 1998, the author Michael Lewis, then a columnist for Bloomberg, wrote as follows: “When historians of everyday life…

The risks are piling up in emerging markets

Financial markets have been on an impressive run since Donald Trump was elected in November. The S&P 500 is up…

An amicable divorce?

Ready. Aim. Fire! The notorious Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon (2007) was “triggered” by the United Kingdom last night…

Mellon on the Markets: The next money fountain

Another Master Investor done! A huge crowd, impressive companies, great speakers and an engaged audience. Well done Swen and team!…

Iceland re-opens its door to capital flows

While Europe is recovering from the financial and sovereign crises at a very moderate pace, Iceland seems to have completely…