Economics & Markets

4 US real estate hot spots

Many British investors are buying property – sorry, real estate – in America. Houses and apartments in the Land of…

The 1930s: a warning from history

If what you were ‘taught’ about the Great Depression is anything like my school time experience, it will go something…

The US Markets – Trick or Treat?

As Hallowe’en approaches, Americans are tricking and treating. But what is the US stock market doing? The smiling economists of…

How to invest in an age of longevity

So people are going to live longer. And old age will not necessarily mean infirmity. The demographics are already changing…

Europe on the brink

The Brexit talks will run into the sand soon. That may be a problem for Britain. But, for Europe, Brexit…

Mellon on the Markets

What to write about this month? Victor Hill has already – and brilliantly – covered Catalonia, and I have banged…

Catalonia dreaming…

What happens in Catalonia this Sunday could, even more than Brexit, cause massive headaches in Brussels… 2014 reimagined… Imagine, if…

Peer-to-peer property lending – Which platform is right for you?

Over the past decade, the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending sector has gone from strength to strength. A number of government measures…

The bitcoin surge – A new era for money or a dangerous bubble?

In recent decades, governments and central banks have come under fierce criticism for the way they manage our most important…

Mellon on the Markets

This missive is being written on the Edinburgh to London train, as I return from a full week at the…