Economics & Markets

The dark arts of psychographics and political manipulation

We now know what Cambridge Analytica was up to – and how they did it. They linked personality analysis (psychographics)…

Of trade wars and trade bores

Last week, President Trump was accused of starting a trade war, but Victor Hill asks whether the war has been…

The Art of the No Deal

As an agreement over Brexit fails to manifest and the deadline edges closer, Victor Hill considers the No Deal outcome.

Where next for commercial property?

UK commercial real estate has performed strongly in recent years despite Brexit, as the hunt for yield leads income-seekers to…

Eurozone troubles – déjà vu all over again?

The new Eurosceptic, populist government in Italy has come to power at a time when the eurozone economy is slowing.…

Mellon on the Markets

At no point in my life has tempus seemed to fugit more than now. This year is nearly half over. I am…

Should we be worried about the end of low interest rates? Maybe not…

One big question mark hangs over the markets right now: What effect will the normalisation of monetary policy – by…

Is Macron’s France beyond reform?

Emmanuel Macron and the Goblet of Fire French President Emmanuel Macron is a dynamic young wizard. But the fundamental reform…

Mellon on the Markets

It’s late April in LA, it’s raining, and it’s time for the annual Milken Institute jamboree. Anthony Chow and I…

Is AIM still “the world’s leading growth market”?

The Alternative Investment Market – also known as “AIM” – provokes controversy in the investment community. Some see it as…